If you’ve just brought your Cane Corso puppy home, then you have to know that you should invest plenty of energy and time in its training to live with a well-behaved pooch. Since Cane Corsos are known as independent dogs, it’s essential to initiate training from an early age. These dogs can be quite territorial, so there’s a thin line between tailoring a calm-tempered pet and an aggressive pet. Therefore, one of the most important steps is to find a reputable and trusted breeder who will ensure you that the puppy has crossed through basic socialization lessons.

How to discipline a Cane Corso?

Every puppy should get the first lessons of socialization while still in the kennel. It includes interaction with other puppies from the litter and the mother. This step is essential because taking a puppy away from its mother in the transitional stage can cause fearful behavior in the future. Such dogs usually suffer from anxiety and tend to feel afraid of other dogs. That’s why the ideal time to take a Cane Corso puppy from a breeder is approximately 8 weeks old.

When you bring a new family member home, introducing it to family members and kids is the next step. Training a Cane Corso means more than just teaching him a few tricks. It includes encouraging and teaching a dog to tolerate human and canine strangers. Since this breed is known as territorial, these lessons can usually be performed from the 6th week of age.

Is it hard to discipline a cane corso?

Who is the Pack Leader in the family?

To escape any unwanted behavior in your Cane Corso, you must establish a limit to show your dog who the pack leader is. Since canines are pack animals requiring a leader, you must set those roles from the beginning. If you live in a large family, establish what you want to teach your dog so that nobody gives contradictory orders. Otherwise, a dog may become confused and stubborn when learning tricks and commands.

K9 Training Institute

Use positive reinforcement

It’s not recommended to use force to discipline a Cane Corso; only positive reinforcement is recommended. Usually, it includes using toys and treats and saying praise words. The dynamic and volume of your voice also play key factors when performing discipline lessons. In other words, you should change your voice into a sharp and short one when teaching him what’s forbidden to do. When a Cane Corso puppy comes into your home, it will try to figure out his place in the family. Besides showing dominant behavior, it may also try being aggressive if you don’t rebuke it. Showing possessive behavior toward his toys, food, and other home items can also occur.

Cane Corso Crate Training

Despite it is heart-melting to see a puppy sleeping in your bed, my advice is to perform crate training lessons from an early age. Every dog should have a bed for sleeping and resting. Aside from this, it’s also recommended to place his bed on a lower position from your couch or bed so he may not think he’s equal to you. That will remind him that you’re his master and commander.

To teach your Cane Corso puppy to sleep in his crate/bed, I advise you to call him to come to that place by using a treat and saying praise words. That’s how he’ll have a positive association with his sleeping spot. Forcing a dog to spend plenty of time in the crate is not a good idea because Cane Corsos belongs to the Molossus family of dogs who are very attached to their families. In other words, spending hours and hours in the crate may lead to dog separation anxiety.

Cane Corso Potty Training

When discussing potty training lessons, every dog should be allowed to go out in the morning, after it eats, after playtime, and before bed. In that way, you’ll create consistency and set the schedule. Use a positive and kind tone when your dog performs the potty and reward him with treats. In the first few weeks, you should also use ’an outdoor bathroom place’ to attract your dog to the scent.