One of the best treatments for the crippling effects of osteoarthritis are surely Glucosamine and Chondroitin which have been used for over 20 years in Europe.
In the USA, they’ve started to be used recently, and dog owners have been pleased with the results. These two substances can be found in many food products, and we can freely say they are in the same class as vitamins. Initially, North Americans were skeptical about using these two widely known vitamins for Europeans. Today, American pharmaceutical companies are rushing to make products with Glucosamine and Chondroitin because they’ve shown tremendous results in healing dogs, cats, horses, and people.
Hip Dysplasia affects many dogs, and it’s the most common in large dog breeds. This condition is very painful because it involves bone-to-bone contact, which is very similar to the pain seen in arthritis. When the cartilage decreases as they age, the dog will show signs of arthritis. Aging dogs, in particular, can have problems with arthritis in their elbows, knees, and shoulders. In this case, Glucosamine and Chondroitin will successfully respond to this kind of pain. In any case, they can help animals with hip dysplasia because of the healing effect in cartilage and the reduction of pain involved in this disease. These two vitamins are also often used as treatments for spinal disc injuries and postoperatively in dogs that have undergone joint surgery.
Middle-aged and older medium to large breed dogs can show symptoms of stiffness or limping, especially in the morning until they don’t start moving around and their daily routines. In these cases of osteoarthritis, pains can be effectively relieved by using already-told substances. With the use of Glucosamine and Chondroitin, your aged dog will be, step by step, returned to normal functioning.
It is perfectly safe if you aren’t sure about giving your dog the kind of glucosamine and chondroitin intended for human consumption. However, you should have in mind that animal products are dosed in the correct size and often flavored so they can easily eat them.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin are natural substances of every living animal. The highest concentration is found in cartilage. So, you shouldn’t be worried about using them because there haven’t been any side effects in Europe since the beginning of their use (for over 20 years). They’re well suited for long-term use, and once your dog begins using, the dose can be reduced after eight weeks. In some cases, they should be taken for the rest of their life, and there aren’t any complications even when they’re combined with other drugs and vitamins.