Everything about cane corso dog breed

For Cane Corso Owners, Does Your Dogs Behavior Improve With Age?
Witness how Cane Corso behavior evolves with age, from energetic beginnings to mature protectors, shaping a unique bond.

Can a Male Cane Corso Coexist Peacefully With Other Male Dogs?
Nurture a peaceful coexistence between male Cane Corsos and other male dogs by understanding their behavior and implementing strategic techniques.

What Sort of Family Lifestyle Is the Cane Corso Dog Breed Suited For?
Unleash the potential of your family with the Cane Corso – a breed tailored for active lifestyles and unwavering loyalty.

How Many Times a Day Should You Feed Your Cane Corso?
Aiming to optimize your Cane Corso's health and happiness? Discover the ideal feeding frequency for your furry companion in our insightful research.

What Are the Differences Between a Neapolitan Mastiff and a Cane Corso?
Big differences between Neapolitan Mastiffs and Cane Corsos lie in their temperament, size, and grooming needs – which one will win your heart?

How Much IQ Does a Cane Corso Have?
Discover the remarkable IQ of a Cane Corso, a breed known for its intelligence and problem-solving skills, in this insightful exploration.

Why to Get Cane Corso
I speak from my own experience as a 16-year-old Cane Corso breeder from Maxima Lux Kennel, promoting the best European bloodlines of Cane Corso dogs. Our Cane Corsos

Cane Corso Heat Cycle
Understanding your Cane Corso’s heat cycle involves grasping subtle changes in her behavior and physicality. As you observe your dog during this period, you’ll notice

How to Manage Cane Corsos Shedding
As a Cane Corso owner and breeder for many years now, navigating through their shedding can feel like untangling a web of mystery in a